UPDATE: Thursday, June 16th

A few more last minute updates!

====== Update #1 ======

Q: There is a packing list for the LDS encampment on the website. However, it does not provide a separate list for the high adventure tracks. Given two of them will be on the river, I was assuming they might need dry bags or a tent. Can you please advise or point me in the direction of who would know?

A: Obviously they should have clothes to where on the river that might get wet, hats, sun screen, water shoes or some footwear that is closed toe and close heeled. A dry bag might be helpful although we are going to drop personal gear directly at the overnight campsite.

For camping the 10 Essentials are key things but also a mess kit, a tent and sleeping bag would be helpful. Hammocks can be used as well. We will provide dutch oven cooking gear for meals.


====== Update #2 ======

And a more formal and detailed message on the same topic…

If you are participating in a High Adventure track that will go on the Flint River, we have some packing suggestions that are in addition to the packing list you may have seen on the encampment website.

1. You should wear clothes that are okay getting wet on the river, a hat, sunscreen and water shoes (or some other close toed and close healed shoe).

2. Before getting in the canoes, you will actually drop your camping gear at the campsite. So you don’t need to worry about having a dry bag for the canoe. You should, however, bring a water bottle and any snacks you want on the river (no glass) in a container or bag that you can secure in the boat. Certainly, if you want to ensure your stuff stays dry at the campsite, you are welcome to bring it in a dry bag, backpack with a rain fly, etc.

3. At the river-side camp, you will participate in cooking meals. The food and dutch ovens for cooking will be provided. You should bring a mess kit.

4. You should bring a tent or hammock with a tarp for this camp to sleep in. If you don’t have a tent, one may be borrowed from Bert Adams Scout Reservation. You should bring your sleeping bag.

5. This will be a lot like camping with your troop—meaning you should bring the normal essential camping gear you bring on troop overnighters in the summertime. Don’t forget insect repellant.


====== Update #3 ======

And finally, more clarity on the potential need for tents AND air mattresses or sleeping pads…


I have been informed that, because Bert Adams had to borrow some tents from other camps to cover the needs of the large number we are bringing to the Encampment, there may be some tents in your campsites that will not be supplied with cots. I have asked whether we can know where this will be a problem, but to no avail.

In the notice unit leaders received from the Council, it has already been suggested that each unit bring extra equipment. With this notice, I would suggest that each Scout be instructed to bring some kind of padding or air mattress to sleep on if his tent does not contain a cot. Of course, if there is a cot, this could make it all the more comfortable.

Thanks for your diligence.



UPDATE: Monday, June 13th

There were a flurry of updates today so please read through all of this carefully. There is VERY IMPORTANT information here that you will need to know prior to camp! Pay particular attention to the links to required forms and additional file downlaods.

*** 10:05 PM – And right on cue, one more update to end the day! Download the June Newsletter ***

====== Update #1 ======

Scout Leaders,

Summer Camp and the LDS Encampment is finally here, and we are excited to host this event and your Troop at Bert Adams Scout Camp.

Campsite Assignment: Attached you will find the campsite assignments for all Troops. Your site was selected for you by the Conyers Stake Logistic Team based on the amount of youth and adults attending that you have provided to us. Please note that you will be sharing a campsite with multiple Units from your own Stake.  Your specific tents will be marked with your Troop number within your campsite.

Our campsites are tightly packed for this week.  We highly encourage all Troops to bring two additional tents or encourage your Scouts to bring individual hammocks with tarps to supplement your sleeping arrangements! 

Saturday Arrival:  Your assigned check in time is indicated on the attached sheet. Please arrive promptly so we can get everyone checked in. We will be doing check-in at two locations. Please make sure you know which location you are checking in. It is indicated on the attached form.  Due to the volume of campers arriving, it is important that you arrive within 30 minutes of your scheduled time.

If your travel plans change and will arrive outside of your Check-in window, please call the Camp Duty Commissioner at 770-881-4712

Required at Check-In: (refer to the Leader Guide for additional info)

  • Troop Roster – (Required) Please use our form on the Bert Adams website
  • Proof of Insurance (Required of all Out of Council Troops)
  • Annual Health and Medical Record – Required for every Scout and Leader.  Provide these in advance to camp in order to speed your Check In process.
  • Original Campership Letters (AAC) (Required if received campership)
  • Pre-Camp Health Status Questionnaire – (Required)
  • Youth Protection Training for all leaders (Required)
  • Pre-Swim Check forms if you have done these in advance.
  • Be sure to bring a Troop check to settle up your account at close-out

Additional Program Notes:

  • Bikes are highly encouraged. There is a lot of distance to be covered.
  • Please print your Scouts daily schedules before you get to Camp.
  • There will be a Scoutmasters and SPL Meeting on Saturday evening at 9:00 PM in the Bill Loeble Room at Love Dining Hall after the Firesides and Campfire.
  • Release form for Horseback riding – needs to be completed for all High Adventure Participants, except BSA Lifeguard.

It is going to be a Great Week at Bert Adams Scout Camp.  Travel safely and we will see you soon!!!

Tom Morin
Camp Director
Bert Adams Scout Camp


*** Download LDS Campsite Assignments Final.pdf ***

*** Download the Required NWGC Proof of Insurance Form *** (Not Required for AAC Troops)

*** Download Bert Adams Scout Camp Map ***


====== Update #2 ======

This reply was sent in a thread by a member of the Encampment Committee

Please note in your communications that not all tents will have cots so units should bring cots or sleeping pads just in case


====== Update #3 ======

If anyone is going to be at camp and can help take pictures, please see the message below and forward your info ASAP to Bro. Talerico at jatalerico@bellsouth.net


In previous emails, I have explained that each stake participating in the Encampment needs to identify photographers (who may be leaders or visitors coming to the Encampment) who will take and submit pictures of the Scouts/Leaders from your stake and submit them for inclusion in the media presentation at the end of the Encampment.

At a minimum, we requested 2 per stake to make sure that each Scout will be pictured in the final production. Some units have submitted a team of photographers consisting of unit leaders and visitors. However you decide to do it, we need the names and contact information for those from the Athens, Cartersville and Marietta East Stakes ASAP.

This assignment begins on Check-In Day, and I will be sending out information about how to submit pictures early this week to assure that the flow of photographs to the central data base begins at that time.

This is now an urgent request.

Thanks for your help.



====== Update #4 ======

Here are some video links that the committee put together so everyone can get an idea what their campsite will look like:

Grant , Jones , Pershing

Revere and Washington

Lee & Hale



Mohawk & Cherokee

Siminole & Arapaho

Chippewa & Navajo

Ac sites



====== Update #5 ======

In response to the following question: “Is there time set aside for the bishops/branch presidents to have a fireside/testimony meeting with the YM of their ward? If so, is that Sunday or Friday night (or perhaps another)? I see firesides listed on the schedule but no details as to who is in charge or what is happening.”

– We don’t have any time set aside for that. If the Stakes wish to carve out a time that is currently open, they could do that.

In other words, the firesides listed are those that have been organized by the encampment committee and do not refer to time that has been set aside for individual firesides.


====== Update #6 ======


Here are the Stake Priesthood location assignments for Sunday.

Each Stake has been assigned a location for Priesthood meeting. Your Stake may wish to use the same location to hold your Duty to God training.

Please distribute to Stake contacts. In addition, we will distribute a copy along with the check-in handouts on Saturday to each unit.




*** Download Stake Priesthood Location Assignments ***

*** Download BASC Facilities and Capacities – LDS Encampment 2016 ***

*** Download Bert Adams Scout Camp Map ***


Bro. Matt Futral has agreed to organize the Priesthood meeting for our Stake. If you have any input on the program or would be willing to participate please let him know. Also, It looks like Cartersville may be a little bit over sized for the assigned area so please bring a camp chair to the meeting just in case.


UPDATE: Saturday, June 11th

A couple of important items to pass along regarding encampment as we get closer to the big day!

– It is now too late to make further payments to the Council, so if funds are still due for a unit, be prepared to reconcile those amounts at Camp. If you need to know where the council believes that you stand, please contact Bro. Johnson and I can give you the latest number on file.

– In response to a question about last minute no shows, the following was sent from Bro. Talerico :

No Shows:  Here is what it says in the Bert Adams 2016 Camp Leader Guide:

“It is important to register early and keep us informed of any changes so that we can plan
accordingly. Please follow-up any changes to campsite or significant attendance changes with a call or email to the service center. Final numbers are due by May 1, and no changes can be made less than 10 business days prior to your arrival. Final campsite assignments will be made the week prior to your camp week by the Camp Commissioner.

Deposits are not refundable. Upon arrival to camp, all units will be subject to a $100 per Scout fee for all “no-shows”. All remaining fees are refundable upon written request.”

However, in my experience, the Camp exercises a lot of discretion about refunds. If one Scout can’t make it at the last minute (particularly if he has a reasonable excuse), you may be able to get his full refund without the $100 haircut; if 20 don’t show, that outcome is much less likely. The rule is, never assume the answer will be “no”. Notice that any refund is dependent upon a written request.

Overpayments : There will be a full financial reconciliation at Camp covering all fees and at-Camp expenses. If, after the reconciliation, a unit still has a credit balance, it may request a refund (which will be paid in September following Camp) or, I believe, the refund can be used as all or part of a hold-a-site fee for the next summer.

Payment of Amounts Payable at Camp:  If, after the reconciliation, a unit still has a payable balance in its account, what Bert Adams wants is a single check in the exact amount of that balance. In traditional Scout units, this is usually handled by giving the senior Camp leader a blank check on the unit account which he fills in to pay the balance. It is done this way to make sure that the amount paid is what is determined in the reconciliation. Our unit accounts don’t work this way.

I would suggest you do your best to calculate what a unit still owes and have the ward cut a check for that amount. In determining how much the balance is, start with the statement received from the Council of the unit’s account balance, double check to make sure it is correct (taking into account the fact that some of your unit leaders may be doubling as MB Counselors and be waived, the amounts your records show has been paid and the final numbers attending), and add in any HA Trek fees that may be applicable (the HA Trek fees will be a surplus on the Council record, but can be drawn down by the Council to pay the vendor). If this is not the correct number in the end, you will either have a surplus to claim in September or someone will have to write a supplemental check for the difference (have a leader take a checkbook, just in case).

I hope this helps.



UPDATE: Tuesday, June 7th

Please see the message below from Bro. Talerico and let a member of the Stake YM Presidency know if you can help out. I don’t think you need to be a “photographer” as much as you just need to be willing to snap pictures of our youth throughout the week and forward them along. 


If we are going to have the wonderful collage of pictures of our Scouts enjoying the Encampment for our closing campfire, we must have photographers. Here is what I requested in my last Encampment Prep email:

”Part of the closing event for the Encampment will be a collage of Encampment photographs which we hope will include every boy attending. To do this, we have previously asked each Stake to designate photographers (minimum 2) who will chronicle the events at Camp populated by the boys in their Stake and upload their photographs as instructed to allow the production of the collage. In order for them to receive the information they will need to do this, please send me the name, cell phone and email of your designated photographers ASAP. Please note that while a phone camera can be used for this purpose, using a digital camera would be preferred because of the increased quality of the results.”

Since we need the photographers in place at the beginning of Camp, this has become a high priority, so please give it your prompt attention. If you have any questions, please contact me.




UPDATE: Sunday, June 5th

Hello Everyone – A couple of quick updates to pof ass along in answer to questions about camp:

– Full physicals (BSA Parts A, B, and C) can be found on the Encampment website. If possible send them before but if not at check-in will work.

– If units needed extra tents they should have been notified by the Conyers Stake already. As there are not as many people coming as originally expected there should be very few of those and at the last meeting the direction was just tell anyone that is coming up for a night or two to bring an extra tent as there maybe a few nights that we have a spike in # of visitors.


UPDATE: Thursday, June 2nd


In order to facilitate check-in, we will be staggering the times for each stake’s units to check in on June 18th.

Here is the schedule:

1:00 – Conyers, Macon, Cartersville, Fayetteville
1:30 – Powder Springs, Marietta East, Roswell
2:00 – Lilburn, Atlanta, Athens

Stripling Warriors from all stakes are asked to arrive at 12 Noon, so they can help with check-in.

Please encourage your stake’s units to arrive at the time designated for your stake.


Jim Talerico
Roswell Stake/Encampment Communications


UPDATE: Thursday, June 2nd



Here is the latest registration and payment report covering pre-registrations and Council declared numbers and payment as of today, June 2nd. Unfortunately, most units still have missed the deadline to complete their payments. However, our numbers seem to have stabilized, even though the pre-registration numbers are still well short of the Council declared numbers.

Veronica Bramlett at the Council has told me that payments may still be received after the June 1st deadline, but since these data must be communicated to the Camp in advance, do not send payments to the Council that will arrive there after June 10th. At that time the record will be closed and transmitted. Payments still due after that date will have to be handled at Camp.
Jim Talerico
Roswell Stake/Encampment Communications

UPDATE: Friday, May 27th


In my recent email, I indicated that you could enter your visitors directly on the attached list. As the politicians would say, I misspoke.

You will have to send the indicated information to Bro. Rhoten at darrell.rhoten@gmail.com for entry on the list.

Sorry for my confusion.




UPDATE: Thursday, May 26th


Encampment check-in is imminent. Here are some items that should be addressed by each participating stake or unit as soon as possible:

1) Part of the closing event for the Encampment will be a collage of Encampment photographs which we hope will include every boy attending. To do this, we have previously asked each Stake to designate photographers  (minimum 2) who will chronicle the events at Camp populated by the boys in their Stake and upload their photographs as instructed to allow the production of the collage. In order for them to receive the information they will need to do this, please send me the name, cell phone and email of your designated photographers ASAP.  Please note that while a phone camera can be used for this purpose, using a digital camera would be preferred because of the increased quality of the results.

2) You should not be surprised to learn that the final payment of all Camp fees  for each participating unit (accompanied by an updated LDS Encampment Payment Form with your final numbers) is due June 1st at the Council Office.  Remember, you should include unit leaders who double as MB Counselors in your count, but note on your Payment Form that they are fee-waived. Also, you may pay the $95 per Scout fee for those on HA Treks B & C with your fees. It will show up as surplus on the Council report, but the funds will be drawn when needed to pay the 3rd-party vendor.

3) It is not too late to make sure that your numbers of pre-registered Scouts and Leaders for each unit matches what you are reporting to the Council.

4) A while back, Encampment Committee Chair Brother Rhoten asked for a list of expected visitors to the Encampment,  together with a statement of when they will be at Camp. This is needed by Bert Adams for meal management. He recently reiterated that request, and I have appended the form that has been prepared.  You can enter the information directly on the form.

5) If your Stake has adult Encampment volunteers who will not be doubling as Encampment unit leaders,  please contact them ASAP and determine whether they wish to be housed in and adult leader area or with the Scout troop with which they are connected and send the results to Bro. Scott Frandsen at scottfrandsen@yahoo.com. Campsites are being assigned and organized right now, so this information is critical.

6) Each stake is responsible to provide 4 bread trays and 4 sacrament trays for the June 19th Sacrament Meeting.  Please make sure your stake has arranged for this. I would suggest that you send your trays back to their origin with a visitor going back on Sunday evening to avoid loss or damage. Please identify your trays with the stake name.

7) Note that the Stripling Warriors  will be helping with check-in and for that reason, regardless of stake, are asked to arrive at 12 Noon.

8) If your units haven’t already planned (or completed) their swim checks , they should be done as soon as possible. Bert Adams hopes that there will be little need for at-Camp swim checks, given that there will be in excess of 60 units in the Encampment.

9) Bert Adams has requested that copies of Encampment unit medical forms (including a copy of the relevant insurance cards) be mailed to the Camp  as soon as possible, timed to arrive no later than June 11th. This will greatly facilitate check-in. If the unit does not send them in, check-in will take longer as the medical staff reviews the forms.

10) Bert Adams has encouraged units to print out schedules for the boys (this can be done on the Bert Adams site) before arriving at Camp . There are only limited facilities at Camp for this purpose.

11) Have your units registered for the Encampment service project? This is an integral part of the Encampment, not a mere option. This can be done on the Bert Adams registration site (the service project is listed like a class in the 6th hour – pick the day you want and sign up.

12) If a unit has registered for one leader slot that will be filled by a number of rotating individuals,  the newly arriving individual should check in at the Camp office upon arrival. Each such leader should have a completed medical form  (Parts A & B if the leader will be at Camp less than 72 hours, Parts A-C, if he will be there 72 hours+) and a copy of his Youth Protection certificate .

13) Only adult volunteer MB Counselors (including those who double as unit leaders) will have their fees waived. Other adult volunteers who are not already paying as unit leaders will have to pay the $150 fee if they stay the full week.

14) Don’t forget – bikes  aren’t merely permitted at Bert Adams, they are encouraged – but every bike rider must wear a helmet.

15) Temporary visitors will be charged $5 per meal while they are in Camp and should plan to bring their own camping equipment.

If you have any questions, just contact me.


Jim Talerico
Roswell Stake/Encampment Communications

Download the Stake Visitor Roster


UPDATE: Tuesday, May 24th

Fellow Scout Leaders,

In reviewing registration & activity sign-ups it was brought to the committee’s attention that most units still need to register for a Service Project and other evening activities. This week, through the same portal as Merit Badge Registration please login and sign your unit up for the evening activities, most importantly the service project. It is imperative to the Athens Stake & camp preparations to have accurate numbers ASAP.

Tommy Schlosser
#LDSCampATL – Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
770-855-3113 – TXT Friendly


UPDATE: Wednesday, May 18th


As you know, we are now about 30 days from the beginning of the 2016 Encampment. We wanted to make sure that you were aware that an invitation has been extended to Bishops/Branch Presidents and/or members of Bishoprics/Branch Presidencies to join us at Bert Adams Scout Camp on Friday, June 24th to have a chance to sample the event, mingle with your Scouts, receive some training and experience the closing festivities.

The training courses available and times are listed on the attached PDF. In addition, we have attached a document providing a description of each class (this includes descriptions of other adult classes offered during the week, not just the Bishopric classes).

As an Encampment Committee, we hope to have representation from Bishoprics/Branch Presidencies of all the participating units.

We hope to see you there.

Jim Talerico for the


Download the Bishopric Training Schedule
Download the Description of Adult Training Classes


UPDATE: Monday, May 16th


1) As you calculate your final payment, you can add in the $95 charge for those Scouts who are participating in HA Treks B or C. When you get your payment confirmation from the Scout Office, these funds will show up as an overpayment, but they will be drawn down as needed to pay the vendors providing the services on these Treks.

2) Also, if you have Encampment unit leaders who are also serving as MB Counselors (or other staff support eligible for this benefit), remember that their Encampment fees are waived , so do not include payment for them.

3) Each unit needs to do a checkout at BASC to make sure all financial numbers are correct , that all fees have been paid, etc. This is normal, but the difference is you need to do this at the beginning of the week (rather than waiting to the end) as there are about 4 times as many people as BASC typically has for a given week. The Camp officials want to make sure they can get through everyone.

4) Another form!!! Each of HA Treks A, B & C involves a horseback riding experience. Scouts participating in these HA Treks will need to have a waiver form executed by their parents covering this activity. Here is a link to the form: http://www.campbertadams.org/document/horseback-riding-waiver/149607. Bring these forms with you to Camp – do not mail them in .

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Jim Talerico


UPDATE: Saturday, May 14th

There are only 3 Sundays available before each unit’s final payment of all fees for Scouts and Leaders attending the Encampment is due. I hope you have a plan to get that payment to the Atlanta Area Council per the procedures adopted by your Stake on or prior to Weds., June 1st. Please note that for this final payment – unlike for earlier payments – you may credit your $250 initial payment toward the amount due.

In addition, Bert Adams SC has asked that each unit submit copies of all medical forms (physical exams and insurance cards) for its Scouts and Leaders to Bert Adams in advance of arrival at Camp to facilitate check-in. You can mail in medical forms beginning on May 15 to:

Bert Adams Health Office
218 Scout Road
Covington, GA 30016

They should be mailed in time to arrive at Camp no later than June 11th.


Thanks for your efforts.
Jim Talerico
Roswell Stake/Encampment Communications


Countdown to Youth Conference: -115 Days 6 Hours 15 Minutes 11 Seconds