Frequently Asked Questions

Does my graduating senior attend in a family or as a YSA?

We would like to encourage high school seniors to be part of a family on Trek. Physically, high school seniors will be among the stronger members in terms of helping with the handcart. They can also provide a positive example as role models to their younger brothers and sisters. Handcart availability for YSAs is limited, and will likely not accommodate all the graduating seniors who would like to attend.


Can my child bring a friend?

Due to staffing and funding, we need to limit Trek to youth attending from our stake.


Will there be bathrooms?

There will be portable toilets at the campsites each night and at one formal lunch stop. It is not possible to bring them along on the trails. Therefore, it may be necessary for individuals to take care of personal needs along the trail. Leaders will ensure privacy and toiletries are provided.


Is there a cost for Trek?

There are no registration fees however youth are responsible for providing their own clothing and personal supplies. Food will be provided.


What do you mean when you say “family?”

A trek family consists of a Ma and Pa (a married couple who are members of the Cartersville Stake) and approximately 6-8 young men and young women.



Countdown to Young Mens Encampment 119 Days 10 Hours 9 Minutes 32 Seconds