All Youth (14+) and leaders are invited to participate in The Trail of Faith program. This is designed to help all prepare for a meaningful trek experience. To earn the one of a kind trek bracelet, you are to complete at least 2 activities in each section (feel free to do more!).

*** Download and print the tri-fold pamphlet.

Completion: Put a check next to the activities you complete as you prepare for trek.  When you have completed at least 8 activities (at least two in each area), have your parent or leader sign the printable form. Return the form to your ward YM/YW leaders or bring them with you in your bucket to Trek and turn them in at registration for a trek bracelet that will remind you of your efforts.

“Let us never forget the faith of our fathers and the selfless sacrifice of our mothers, those pioneering Saints who set such an inspiring example of obedience. Let us remember them as we strive to be valiant servants in our work.”    

-Joseph B. Wirthlin


  • Pick a Christlike Attribute displayed by pioneers (i.e., charity, endurance, humility, etc.). Set goals and make plans to develop it prior to trek. Track your progress in your journal or share with a family member.
  • Learn more about the Sacrament prayers found in D&C 20:77, 79. Discover, Plan, and Act of how you can make the Sacrament the most important part of your week.
  • Read 3 General Conference talks on the temple. Discuss with a parent or leader your thoughts and questions.
  • Participate in baptisms for the dead with your family or class/quorum.
  • Prepare a Family Home Evening or Sunday class/quorum lesson on Patriarchal Blessings. If you have not received yours, begin making plans to do so. If you have yours, ready and ponder it every day for 2 weeks.
  • Read the Book of Mormon everyday before Trek. Keep a scripture journal of the spiritual impressions you receive.


  • For 2 weeks, make a special effort to strengthen your relationship with a friend or family member. Reflect on what you learned in your journal.
  • Volunteer at a hospital, assisted living community, or food pantry, etc. Check for ideas in your area.
  • Invite a less-active class/quorum member to a church activity or service opportunity.
  • Discover, plan, and act on how you can improve your thoughts and communication with your family and friends. For example, avoid gossiping, offer encouragement, actively listen, speak and act kindly, etc.
  • Learn how to apologize and admit you were in the wrong. Pray for humility. Reflect and record your thoughts and experiences.
  • Observe someone in your daily life who has been left out or marginalized. Go out of your way to show kindness and compassion to them. Share your experiences with your family or class/quorum.


  • Go on a 4-mile hike wearing your Trek footwear.
  • Train for and participate in a 5K or 10K race prior to Trek.
  • Review D&C 89 and “Physical and Emotional Health” in Standards for Youth. Develop and implement a regular fitness and/or healthy food plan for at least 4 weeks.
  • Study and discover ways to better manage your stress. Plan and act on your impressions for 2 weeks.
  • Plan and execute a Family Home Evening or class/quorum Activity involving exercise, such as yoga, dance instruction, sports, etc.
  • Learn to cook a healthy meal with or for your family or class/quorum.
  • Discover and develop a new outdoor interest. Share this interest


  • Spend 3 hours Indexing records at:
  • Collect stories and learn about your ancestors who have demonstrated faith and sacrifice. Share with your family.
  • Use any art form (sculpture, poetry, song, dance, quilting, etc.) to express our pioneer heritage.
  • Learn about, create, and tend a garden. Take time to reflect on the beauty and creations of God.
  • Record your personal history in 500 words or more.
  • Research an early church pioneer and take their name with you on Trek, reflecting on their faith on the trail.
  • Read a book about the early pioneers, such as The Saints volumes, Fire of the Covenant, etc.


Countdown to Youth Conference: -115 Days 3 Hours 52 Minutes 46 Seconds